Ultimate Guide to Roof Waterproofing

The Ultimate Guide to Roof Waterproofing: Solutions and Methods

In this blog, we have provided the ultimate guide to roof waterproofing, including the advantages, techniques and best waterproofing chemical for roofs.

Rooftops and terraces provide private outdoor space to entertain, relax and to enjoy the wonderful view. However, these open outdoor areas are most vulnerable to damage from moisture and rainfall. If you live in a region with heavy rainfall, or extreme weather conditions it is crucial to maintain the structural integrity of the building, and to extend its overall life.

Making roofs and terraces waterproof is extremely important. It not only safeguards your property from water damage but also ensures longer life for concrete structures. Every homeowner needs to be aware of the importance and benefits of waterproofing in construction. Proper waterproofing is vital to prevent water leakage and seepage, as these can swiftly cause significant structural damage, and other problems.

You can actively protect your home and buildings against water damage by taking the necessary steps to waterproof your terrace. This also ensures durability of the structure and prevents frequent and expensive repairs and maintenance. To do a good job of waterproofing, you should know how to identify potential problem areas, and how to choose the right waterproofing chemical for it.

Ultimate Guide to Roof Waterproofing

Below are the essential factors that you need to consider while choosing to waterproof your terrace:

1. Check the structure

The first step in ensuring successful roof waterproofing is to evaluate the structure. By assessing the existing terrace’s layout, you can identify small and large damage, such as cracks, fractures, and gaps. Such types of structural damage will need to be repaired before applying the waterproofing solution.

2. Prepare the surface

The next step in waterproofing roofs and terraces is to prepare the surface so that the best waterproofing chemical for roof can adhere properly to it when applied. To do this, you should clean the surface of dirt, dust, debris and any loose material.

3. Choose Waterproofing Chemical

Once the terrace or roof surface is cleaned properly, it is time to buy the best waterproofing chemical for roofs. There are a variety of such products available on the market today, where every individual product has its own advantages and special uses.

For instance, some waterproofing chemicals are designed for sloping roofs, while others are made to waterproof large areas. Make sure to choose the waterproofing chemical that suits your specific requirements, budget, and climate conditions of your area.

4. Minor Repairs

Before the waterproofing process begins, you will need to ensure that even the smallest gaps and cracks are filled completely, otherwise it can lead to larger structural damage and render waterproofing useless. Make sure to fill the gaps with a high-quality sealant and ensure the surface becomes waterproof.

5. Weather Resistance

You should also keep in mind the weather conditions in your region when buying any waterproofing chemical for roof. For instance, if you live in areas with heavy rainfall, extreme weather conditions, etc. make sure to choose the best-suited waterproofing chemical.

Waterproofing Methods for Roofs and Terraces

There are two main types of methods used to waterproof roofs – conventional and modern techniques. Both use different water-resistant materials, have specific properties and benefits and offer distinct advantages over others.

Let’s check out the top conventional and modern methods for waterproofing roofs –

Conventional Roof Waterproofing

Conventional roof waterproofing methods have been used for years and are still extremely popular in the country. Traditional roof waterproofing usually involves applying different layers of water-resistant materials.

Below are the properties and steps of conventional roof waterproofing –

Brickbat Coba technique

The Brickbat Coba technique requires putting bricks on rooftops with small gaps between them. A dense cement slurry mixture is prepared, and the gaps are filled using this. During the curing stage, water is applied to the roof surface continuously for a minimum of 2 weeks.

However, you should know that this technique significantly increases the load on the roof. in addition, if the water is evidently infecting the surface, then you will need to repeat the process.

Lime Terracing technique

This conventional roof waterproofing technique involves creating a waterproofing solution using lime. The lime molasses mixture is sprayed on the concrete surface to make it resistant to water damage. Once completed, this process requires letting the surface cure with regular watering at intervals.

However, this roof waterproofing technique is not durable, and the entire waterproofing process needs to be repeated if water infects the underlying structure.

Mud Phuska technique

The mud phuska technique is mostly useful for waterproofing roofs, if you live in a hot climate, and your budget is restricted. This technique requires creating a waterproofing solution from clay and ‘bhusa’ sand.

This solution is mixed with mud and cow-dung before being plastered all over the roof or terrace surface. Proper curing is essential to ensure optimal water-resistance when using this technique.

However, this technique is significantly time-consuming and puts additional weight on the building.

Modern Roof Waterproofing

Modern roof waterproofing methods are more durable and offer superior protection against water damage. These techniques usually require using a high-quality and best waterproofing chemical for roofs, as well as effective methods and products.

Below are the top modern waterproofing techniques for roofs and terraces –

Bituminous technique

Bitumen is one of the most used products to make terraces and roofs resistant to water damage in the modern construction industry.
Bitumen is a sticky and viscous form of petroleum, which makes it excellent to resist water.

It is applied to the rooftop surface using heat from a blowtorch. Some additives are also mixed with bitumen to improve its flexibility along with its waterproofing properties. However, bitumen is not a sustainable material and prolonged exposure to the UV rays in sunlight decreases its effectiveness.

Liquid Deck technique

This modern roof waterproofing technique uses a water-repellent liquid which is reinforced with glass to form a waterproof coating on the concrete surface. The layer of liquid is very flexible, affordable and easy to apply on various types of surfaces, such as bitumen, asphalt, and concrete.

This is one of the easiest techniques for effective waterproofing of roofs and terraces and provides longer water-resistance. However, you will need to apply multiple layers of the liquid compound to ensure optimal waterproofing.

Acrylic-based technique

Acrylic-based waterproofing products are also extremely popular today. These acrylic-based products are easy to apply with a handheld roller, and offer better tensile strength, improved UV resistance, and prevent mildew from growing on the applied surface.

Besides this, these products are available in different colors and shades, which also makes them aesthetically pleasing too.

Steps to Waterproofing Roofs and Terraces

Following are the simple steps to take for effective and successful waterproofing of roofs and terraces –

1. Prepare the surface

The first step for waterproofing roofs and terraces is to clean the targeted surface thoroughly. Make sure to remove any dirt, dust, debris or loose material so the surface is smooth and free of any irregularities.

2. Repair/Reinforce weak spots

Assess the surface area and find any cracks or weak spots, and fill these damages using additives, mortar or sealants. This step is necessary to ensure a strong base for the waterproofing chemical product to adhere to.

3.  Apply the primer

Applying a primer helps to improve the adhesion of the waterproofing product to the surface of the roof or terrace. The primer strengthens the bond between the surface and waterproofing product.

4.  Apply base coat

Next, you will need to apply a base coat of the waterproofing product. Make sure to apply the product thoroughly and evenly so the targeted surface is covered completely. The base coat is the primary waterproofing layer and becomes a strong seamless barrier that prevents water penetration.

If required, you can reinforce the base coat with a mesh of fiberglass or similar material to provide additional strength to the waterproofing layer.

5.  Apply secondary coat

Construction experts recommend applying an intermediate layer of waterproofing over the base coat to enhance the durability and water-resistance of the surface. This coat not only reinforces the waterproofing qualities of the product, but also fills tiny gaps and cracks that may have formed on the base coat.

6.  Apply waterproofing chemical

Finally, you can begin applying the chosen waterproofing chemical over the base and intermediate coats, once the latter has cured completely. This final layer works to protect the concrete surface against harmful UV rays. It also protects the underlying layers of waterproofing which ensures long-lasting results.

Best Waterproofing Chemicals for Roofs

Construction experts strongly recommend buying only the best-quality waterproofing chemicals from trusted manufacturers, such as Sakshi Chem Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Below is a list of waterproofing chemical products offered by the company –

Addage WPC Powder

Addage WPC Powder is an excellent additive for mortar and concrete to make roofs and terraces waterproof. It is available as a fine-grade white-colored powder that can be used with different types of mortar and concrete mixes.

• Fills tiny pores on the substrate
• Reduces porosity on the surface
• Compatible with multiple types of concrete
• Excellent waterproofing qualities

Addage WPC Liquid

Addage WPC Liquid is an all-round waterproofing chemical in liquid form. It is an integral liquid waterproofing compound that offers long-lasting resistance to water damage.

• Easy to use
• Chloride-free compound
• Improves durability
• Optimal water-resistant properties


Addage BONDCOTE-E is also popularly known as “ADDCRETE”. It is a single copolymer compound that improves cementitious properties, including water-resistance.

• Compatible with various cement types
• Enhances adhesion between consequent substrates
• Excellent for repair and finishing
• Optimal water-resistance properties


In this ultimate guide to roof waterproofing, we have described the different types of techniques used and the variety of waterproofing chemicals for roofs. It is important to choose the best waterproofing chemical for roofs to ensure optimal resistance to water damage.

Besides this, the best waterproofing chemical for roofs will also ensure durability of your home, buildings, and offices without the need for frequent expensive repairs and maintenance.

According to construction experts, modern roof and terrace waterproofing methods become more effective when you use high-quality waterproofing chemicals from reliable manufacturers, such as Sakshi Chem Sciences Pvt Ltd in India.

Author: Sagar Telrandhe

Sagar Telrandhe is a Construction Engineer with a B.Tech in Construction Engineering & Management. Passionate about infrastructure development, project planning, and sustainable construction, he specializes in modern construction techniques, project execution, and quality management, contributing to efficient and innovative building.