Addage BONDCOTE 200 SN is a low-cost, solvent-dilultable shuttering oil by the leading manufacturers. It is designed to allow clean and quick stripping of different types of formwork and mould.
BONDCOTE 200 SN Shuttering Oil is a non-hazardous, and non-toxic product which is also non-staining. It helps to avoid cleaning shutters before re-using, and ensures a smoother and even surface. This product is highly efficient in extending the life of shuttering and mould. BONDCOTE 200 SN is made from carefully selected mineral oils and non-toxic chemical compounds chosen for their excellent release properties.
Addage BONDCOTE 200 SN has incredible water-repelling properties. This helps protect the formwork from water damage, ensures a smooth surface and even texture. It’s non-staining characteristic also makes it ideal for use with white cement.
Uses of BONDCOTE 200SN Shuttering Oil
Addage BONDCOTE 200 SN Shuttering Oil is made for use with the following types of formwork:
- Steel
- R.P.
- Timber
- Aluminium
- Resinous formwork