Concrete Durability

Why Does Concrete Durability Matter Everyday?

The infrastructures built from concrete; it is a necessity that they are durable enough to be long-lasting. Overlooking the strength and maintenance of concrete may lead to grave outcomes.

There have been many collapses of the structures in India due to the poor quality of construction been done which leads to lower durability.

In Noida, which is a part of the national capital region, the building structure of a 5-STORY under-construction building fell on another 6-STORY building due to poor quality of material being used in construction. The government official called a campaign against illegal constructions and the officials were arrested.


If the concrete durability is not adequate structures such as bridges may collapse if the structure is not able to bear the load of heavy vehicles.

Thus, the structure of the concrete should have effective strength and durability to be able to withstand the load for a longer duration.

In case the structure collapses due to negligence in concrete durability there are major chances of loss of human life & loss of finance.  Structural failures are a result of lack of proper engineering, poor quality materials as well as neglected maintenance.

The awareness & lessons learned from the collapse of the structures inform the strategies and advancements that can be adopted in the construction sector these days.

What is concrete durability?

The ability of concrete to withstand weathering actions, chemical attacks, abrasions or any other processes that may harm a building is what we call concrete durability.

If the concrete is exposed to harsh conditions even in that case the original form, serviceability, and quality can be maintained.

Aspects of the durability of concrete:

  • Chemical Resistance: In industries concrete structures often face exposure to a spectrum of chemicals. The chemicals may trigger a reaction with the concrete matrix, compromising strength which leads to failure. To maintain the integrity of the structure, it is important to produce concrete mixes that have strong resistance to such chemical interactions.
  • Enduring wear and tear: The abrasion resistance of the concrete is necessary, especially towards the surfaces prone to excessive traffic or mechanical wear. Concrete surfaces can be made more wear-resistant by using specialized surface treatments, which will consequently increase their lifespan.
  • Withstanding freezing temperatures: Making use of air-entraining agents in the mixture leads to the formation of small air bubbles in the concrete providing space for water expansion when it freezes thereby creating cracking and flaking.
  • Combating internal weakness from rust: To avoid the rusting of steel reinforcement protective measures should be taken like corrosion-resistant reinforcement or applying protective coating which helps in increasing the life of the concrete structures.
  • Preventing material breakdown: The type of materials being used inside the concrete formulations is essential. Utilizing materials that do not adversely interact with one another guarantees the durability of concrete. Aggregating elements in the concrete could help in evading its cracking and hinders any destructive interaction.

How does concrete durability impact our day-to-day lives?

Concrete is amongst the most widely used compounds in the construction industry. Concrete is used for the construction of buildings, roads, highways, and bridges. Despite the concrete use in our day-to-day life very rarely do people consider the science and strategy behind the concrete. The use of admixtures helps in increasing the durability of the concrete.

The durability of the concrete is not just a concern of construction, it has a real-world implication.

The following are the impact of concrete in everyday life:

Safety and security:

It is a matter of public safety related to concrete durability. It is expected that the structures we use like roads, highways, tunnels, and bridges should not collapse.

Even in the case of natural disasters like cyclones, floods, or earthquakes with lower magnitude, the structures should be able to withstand themselves without any damage.

In case the concrete fails then it may have a long-lasting effect on the structure and may lead to loss of property and life as well.

Economic efficiency:

The structures that are durable require less maintenance and are long-lasting, which saves money. The better durability of the concrete can help utilize the money for the construction of new infrastructure projects rather than using the funds for the existing structures.

Environmental responsibility:

Creating a new concrete structure requires a lot of resources. By building durable concrete, the life of the structures can be extended minimizing the waste, reduction in demand for new raw materials, and the environmental strain on construction projects. The carbon footprint can be reduced with the minimal use of concrete.

Cultural legacy:

Many of the world-famous historical heritage are made of concrete. The long life of the structures proves the concrete structures are effective. Thus, by using the principles of durability, these structures can be preserved for future generations.

Now a days, these heritage sites have become cornerstones of the global tourism industry, significantly contributing to the economic growth of local communities.

Innovation and progress:

The durable concrete drives innovation in construction materials and techniques. Innovation leads to economic growth, job creation and contributes to building safer cities that are more efficient and beautiful.

The science behind concrete degradation:

Concrete deterioration is a multi-dimensional process that has physiological, chemical and environmental factors. Hence it is difficult to understand the process of destruction.

One of the major factors that lead to the permeability of the concrete which allows substances like water, chlorides, sulfates, and some other agents to penetrate and initiate processes like corrosion, sulfation, carbonation, and free thaw cycles.

Such processes lead to the overheating of materials which can cause them to crack and break, necessitating repairs or even total reconstruction.

Innovation in concrete technology

The construction industry has gone through multiple innovations which aim at enhancing concrete durability which ensures the test of time and environment.
Information about innovations in concrete technology:

  • Nano Technology in Concrete: The use of nanotechnology is among the significant advancements in incorporating this technology into concrete production. The nanoparticles such as non-silica improve the concrete’s mechanical properties, which makes the structures resistant to the damage being caused.

This technology enhances the technology at the molecular level, enhancing its durability without additional weight.

  • Self-healing concrete: This type of concrete uses a specific bacteria, embedded with concrete that produces limestone when exposed to oxygen and water, which effectively heals the cracks which are formed. This technology not only increases the life of the structure but also reduces the maintenance cost of the structure and the environmental impact being caused due to the repair works.
  • Advances in composite materials: Fiber-reinforced polymers and other advanced composite materials in concrete reinforcement have gained popularity. These materials have superior strength-to-weight ratios and corrosion resistance compared to traditional reinforcement methods, which increases the life span of concrete structures especially in harsh weather conditions.
  • Mega Slab’s contribution: To gain more durable concrete, Mega Slab pioneers’ high strength in industrial concrete slabs. These kinds of slabs can commonly withstand heavy machinery and heavy traffic without the common wear and tear.

In general, joined floors have a weakness which this inventive method neutralizes leading to reduced maintenance requirements and increased lifespan.

  • Sustainable practices: Apart from strength, the industry adapts sustainable practices like using supplementary cementitious materials like fly ash, slag cement, and silica fume. These materials help in improving carbon emission and help in the long-lasting of concrete.

All these innovative techniques help in building more stronger and durable structures. This technology helps in building a sustainable future in the construction industry.

The environmental and economic impact:

Investing in durable concrete has lots of benefits. The initial cost of construction could be high when using Admixtures or superplasticizers in concrete, but it has better benefits in the long run.

The cost of repair and maintenance gets reduced due to the longer durability of the structures saving resources and emitting less carbon in the overall lifecycle process.

With the reduction in new construction projects and fewer repairs, the environment can be protected from emissions and carbon footprint. This practice helps achieve global sustainability and protects the environment from global warming.  

There are many environmental hazards associated with concrete. Thus, the use of concrete should be minimized to protect the environment from getting damaged.


Best practices for ensuring concrete durability:

The utilization of Superplasticizers guarantees more concrete longevity. In addition to that, they are used to reduce concrete’s water to cement ratio while still maintaining its workability.

Quality assurance in concrete is non-negotiable. For preventive maintenance and ensuring longevity, it is crucial to conduct regular examinations for distress signals and points of possible breakdown.

  • Proper design and planning: In every step of construction, from conceptualization to completion, the durability of the structure should be prioritized. The approach means that the designs should be chosen in such a way that they should be able to bear specific environmental stresses and longevity of the structure should be ensured.
  • Use of quality materials: Durability of the structure can be affected by quality and kind of materials used in concrete production. The use of the right category of cement, appropriate aggregates, and the use of admixtures that suit the environmental conditions of the construction site is crucial.
  • Optimal water-cement ratio: The maintenance of optimal water-to-cement ratio is necessary for maintaining the durability of concrete. The excessive content of water inside the concrete can lead to reduced strength of the concrete affecting its durability, while the use of very little water inside the concrete may lead to inadequate hydration, preventing the concrete from gaining adequate strength.
  • Adequate curing practices: The curing of the concrete is essential for the hydration process, while if negligence is caused in the curing of the concrete, then in that case durability may be severely affected. It is a standard practice that the curing should be done for 7 days & the concrete should be kept moist while it is getting hardened. Curing compound has been used to adequate best curing practices.
  • Implementing modern technology: Making use of technological developments like nanotechnology or microbial calcite precipitation can enhance concrete durability significantly. These modern solutions can improve concrete’s inherent properties like the resistance to chemical attack and its tensile strength.
  • Regular inspection and maintenance: Post construction regular quality checks should be done on the structure to identify the wear and tear of the structure or else structural weakness.
  • Adherence to construction standards: Compliance needs to be followed by the international and local authorities which are non-negotiable. The norms ensure that high-quality concrete is being used and the structure is maintained strong and durable.

In construction, the strength and durability of concrete matter a lot as it relates to several factors like safety, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability. This aspect requires the choosing of appropriate construction material, adherence to protocol, and integration of advanced technologies.

At Sakshi Chem Sciences we ensure that the highest concrete durability is achieved using our chemicals like Superplasticizers and Admixtures which can help in increasing the strength of the concrete. Better quality construction can be done with the help of these materials.

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Frequently asked questions:

What are the factors of concrete durability?

The factors that are involved in concrete durability are mixed proportion, reinforcement, Admixtures, curing compounds, and environmental exposure. Managing all these factors can increase concrete durability.

Can concrete last for 200 years?

With the construction of higher-durable structures, concrete structures can last for 200 years or even more.

How to find the durability of concrete structures?

The durability of the structure can be found through permeability, strength, and resistance to environmental factors. This ensures that the structure can withstand durability without deterioration.

At what age is concrete strongest?

The 28 days are the period when the concrete obtains its maximum strength. This affects the load-bearing and long-term resilience of the structure.

What type of concrete lasts the longest?

High-performance concrete which is resistant to the environment and chemical attacks lasts the longest which emphasizes the durability in sustainable construction.


Concrete durability is an important factor for the protection of structures and reduces the maintenance cost of the structure. Lower concrete durability leads to reconstruction which leads to increased cost.

Thus, whenever the structures are being built, they should be structured and designed in such a way that they should last for a longer duration. To maintain the structures it is essential that they should also be resistant to environmental conditions and chemical attacks.

Author: Sagar Telrandhe

Sagar Telrandhe is a Construction Engineer with a B.Tech in Construction Engineering & Management. Passionate about infrastructure development, project planning, and sustainable construction, he specializes in modern construction techniques, project execution, and quality management, contributing to efficient and innovative building.